Whether we realize it or not, we all live in a fast-paced world. I once sat with my parents at a table and said that life is flying quickly.
My Dad responded, "If you feel this way at 40ish, imagine how quickly it feels at 70ish."
It made me stop abruptly, pause, think, and embrace his words of reckoning and truth. Living in a fast-paced world, sometimes it's hard to pause and take in what our body, mind, and spirits genuinely need. It is easy to overlook the things that truly bring us joy, ease, and abundant energy.
Growing up in the 80s and 90s, it was much more accessible for people of my generation and those before me to live a more present and community-centered life. In those years, we were not fully introduced to the power of technology and definitely not social media. Everything was pretty much a present living experience.
Honestly, it was beautiful, yet I believe that the emergence of technology has positively impacted society. For one, the advancement of healthcare has been genuinely impacted by technology. There is much more opportunity and a variety of opportunities available to us today because of the advancement of technology.
So I dont want to condemn the world's advancement, I only want to promote betterment for our wellness amidst this advancement.
I am bringing attention to our surroundings and living spaces through this series for the betterment of our wellness at a time when anxiety is at an all-time high and depression, and suicide rates are genuinely impacting our lives and our children.
Have you ever taken time to think about how you feel when you enter your home? When it's cluttered, sometimes it can feel overwhelming and exhausting. There is a different energy when it's clutter-free, and the area is more inviting as we sit in that space. The colors of our homes and how we use colors throughout our homes also significantly impact our moods and energy.
Even when we look at social media spaces, sometimes we will follow accounts simply because the space they've created is more aesthetically pleasing to our being and our eyes. Our shared spaces and surroundings impact our mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.
If you haven’t considered how living spaces, social media pages, and our surroundings can impact our mood and well-being, you're about to uncover some tips that I hope will help you create the space you desire this holiday season! This exploration will guide you through creating intentional spaces that radiate positivity, paving the way for a more joyful, ease-filled, and energetic life.
This will be a four-part series. I will release more information on creating an intentional space. Stay tuned!